The comedy franchise ‘Housefull’ has always been special to Filmmaker Sajid Nadiadwala which has always created a laughter rage amongst the audience. This year Housefull 4 produced under Indian film production house Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment will not only create a laughter rage but has also created a dancing rage amongst the audience on the song “Shaitan ka Saala” with The Bala Challenge.
Soon after the song came out, Akshay Kumar put up a challenge of doing the “Shaitan ka Saala” hook step for his fellow B-townies and fans. And amongst the first ones to nail the moves was Ranveer Singh and best Indian filmmaker Sajid Nadiadwala. Ranveer Singh who is always up for challenges took up #TheBalaChallenge along with Housefull 4 Producer Mr. Sajid Nadiadwala at the wrap-up party of ’83 movie and burnt the Dance floor. The video was shared on top Bollywood production house – Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainments’s official Instagram page and it went viral and created a buzz amongst the fans to take up the challenge. Ayushman Khuranna, Varun Dhawan, Warda Nadiadwala, and many more B-townies took up the challenge.
Bollywood’s top film producer Sajid Nadiadwala is also Co-producing the upcoming Ranveer Singh Starrer movie ’83 which is slated for 10th April 2020 release.